Issue: The MacBook internal SSD is too small for an iPhone backup. Under Mac OS Catalina, the iPhone backup and restore functionality is built in Finder. So iTunes is no longer needed. The path of the backup is essentially the same.
Solution: Create a symlink so that it points to the external hard drive.
1/ Locate the Backup Folder. It should be inside:
~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/
2/ Rename the existing Backup folder to something like "Backup Old" so that you have a backup.
3/ Under the external SSD or storage, create a new "Backup" folder.
4/ Open Terminal and execute the symlink command:
sudo ln -s /Volumes/ExternalHD/iPhoneBackup/Backup/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup
5/ Under Finder, execute the backup, and verify that it is backing up
Note: Similar methods applied to backup into specific backup folders (should be ideal for incremental backup)
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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