ISPConfig 3.2 brings a much welcomed feature of installing a Let's Encrypt SSL for the default ISPConfig interface. Prior to installation it is best to set the hostname of the EC2. e.g. 1. nano /etc/hosts add the instance default name at 2. hostnamectl set-hostname [new hostname] 3. nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg Change the following parameters to "true" preserve_hostname: true If the ISPConfig has already been configured, re-run the update routine and choose to reinstall the default SSL again. During installation, it might report an error that DNS fails to resolve the domain, just continue and it should generate the SSL corretly.
There is a not-so-intuitive but not-so-difficult to find option to add more than one Microsoft OneDrive account to Windows 10. 1. Install OneDrive client 2. Setup the first account 3. Right-click on the OneDrive folder created by the first account -> Settings (under OneDrive) 4. Under the Account panel, there is an "Add Account" button This allows you to add several OneDrive accounts at the same time