Ubuntu 14.04.5LTS is a widely popular Linux distro for server and it still receives updates as of Feb 2019. However, the official maintenance period will soon end (April 2019) and hence it is prime time for upgrade. Upgrading a standard LAMP from 14.04LTS to 16.04LTS is not as straight forward as it seems, especially the original server may be running for years receiving various patches to different minor versions (14.04.1, .2, .3, .4, and .5) Below are the steps that had worked for me. 1. Ensure the 14.04 version is updated to 14.04.5LTS. This is the latest as of this writing. If you are running ISPConfig 3.1, it is recommended that you also upgrade ISPConfig prior to the distro upgrade. 2. apt-get update 3. apt-get upgrade 4. apt-get dist-upgrade The above steps should patch the 14.04 to the latest version and with all the patches installed. 5. do-release-upgrade This should then prompt a new version is ready for upgrade. 6. I have chosen to keep all existing ...
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