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Showing posts from November, 2017

Adding a new EBS to EC2 and move /var to new EBS

To follow the previous blog article, what if we need to extend /var by moving it to another partition? The following article outlines the key steps. Meanwhile, I found some of the steps are only required if you have SELINUX enabled. The key steps are: 1) Launch a new EBS, choose SSD for speed, or HDD for higher volume. 2) Attach the EBS to the server instance. 3) Login via SSH client. 4) fdisk /dev/xvdf - Note when you provision a new EBS and attach it to EC2, it will say it will rename automatically to /dev/xvdf through /xvdp 5 )mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf1 - format new partition for Linux use 6) mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt - mount it at /mnt 7) shopt -s dotglob - copy files from /var to /mnt rsync -aulvXpogtr /var/* /mnt 8) umount /mnt - unmount 9) Edit /etc/fstab /dev/xvdf1   /var       ext4    defaults,noatime,nofail 0   2 10) mv /var/ /var.old - change the original to become a backup 11) mkdir /var - re-create the /v...