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Showing posts from October, 2017

Resizing & Extending EC2 root partition - live

The EC2 standard EBS is 8G. Planning a simple single EBS instance, the EBS will also contain / and root partition. Following the steps in, we can expand the EBS without stopping the instance. The key steps: 1) Login to AWS Console, locate the EBS and modify the volume size - there is no need to stop the instance (if you are using the current generation of EC2 and EBS - as of Oct, 2017) 2) SSH to the EC2 3) Run lsblk - you will see xvda / xvda1 with different sizes, meaning you need to resize the partition before you can expand the volume 4) Resize the partition - growpart /dev/xvda 1  (note the space between xvda and 1) 5) The resize the filesystem - resize2fs /dev/xvda1 There are other posts saying stopping the instance, and use parted and gdisk. In our case, it is not necessary. There are disadvantages of a using single EBS scenario, but the beauty is that OS/...